Blood Candy Read online

Page 20

The Misfits gave a unified sigh of relief. Candy crossed her arms over her chest and stared hard at The Alpha.

  “You’re supposed to be a big bad tough guy? So why are we wasting time with this bullshit and not saving Jimmy?” she said.

  “You want me to save Jackass, do you?”

  “Don’t call him that.”

  “He is a jackass,” The Alpha said with a smile. “I tell you what, missy. Ask me nicely. Say to me, ‘Please, sir, will you save my boyfriend?’ Get on your knees and beg me to save Jackass and I’ll think about it.”

  Candy’s face burned. Her better judgment had her simply say, “Please.”

  “No, no. On your knees.”

  Tears welled in Candy’s eyes and she looked to White Paul, to Were-Jew, to anyone for help, but they could only watch on in solemn indifference. She looked back at The Alpha, who stood nude in front of her with a satisfied grin. She refused to get on her knees. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction. She wouldn’t take that abuse, even if he wasn’t nude and dangling in front of her.

  The Alpha burst into roaring laughter. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch. Lucky for you, I’ve already made up my mind. There will be no rescue.”

  “There will be!” Candy begged. “Misfits don’t leave their own behind and I don’t care what you say, we are getting him back.”

  “Do you think you know more than me?” The Alpha said, one side of his face twisting up. “How many vampires have you killed? How many of your own have you seen get torn limb from limb in a bloodbath? I don’t make decisions lightly. I’ve been alpha of the Union since those greedy Southerners tried to make their own country and there’s a reason I’m still around. Know what that is? It’s because I’m a fucking monster! It’s because I eat vampires and shit fangs. It’s because there isn’t another living soul who would dare challenge me.”

  He leaned down until his face was close to Candy’s, until she dared to meet his harsh eyes.

  “It’s also because I pick my battles. There will be no rescue.”

  Candy’s lip twitched and tears rolled down her face. The Alpha’s grin grew wider.

  “There will be no rescue,” he went on, “because I’m going to tear those vampires apart.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Candy couldn’t stand being around The Alpha. Though he had at least put on some clothes, she abhorred the sight of him. The way he talked down to people disgusted her. He was a chauvinistic pig, and he was there to save her.

  She sat alone in the dining room while he talked in the living room about how he was going to set things straight, all the while never hesitating to include how great he was. Under his instructions, Melvin had ordered a feast of delivery food. There was pizza, Chinese, seafood, submarine sandwiches, and a bunch of other stuff. The Alpha partook of this feast as if he had no concerns, as if Jimmy wasn’t in dire need of rescuing. It didn’t seem like he cared about anything other than his own inflated ego.

  Candy had a hard time eating when she knew one of the Misfits was suffering somewhere. It didn’t help knowing this was all her fault. She knew she needed to eat something because of the amount of blood Blake took from her the night before and so she forced herself to eat while she listened to The Alpha. Almost every word that came out of his mouth disgusted her. As far as she could tell, he only cared about killing vampires. In his narrow vision, everything else was nothing more than an afterthought. His plan never even mentioned Jimmy. If it wasn’t for Tinch and Were-Jew, Jimmy’s name may never have ever been brought up at all.

  “Once we find out where their nest is, we go in and kick the shit out of those bloodsuckers,” The Alpha said while jabbing half a sub into his face. “And the sooner I get this over with, the sooner I can get out of this shithole.”

  White Paul scowled, though he was careful not to let The Alpha see. Even Tinch appeared somewhat befuddled.

  “Can I make a suggestion?” Were-Jew said.

  The Alpha narrowed his eyes, but since his mouth was full of food he nodded his head.

  “Maybe we can ambush them at the trade location,” Were-Jew said, which was his original plan. “Dave can get Jimmy out while everyone else takes care of the vampires.”

  The Alpha chuckled and said, “No. They’ll be expecting something like that. We’re going to Alpha-strike them. We’re going to hit them when they’re not expecting it. I’m taking the fighters here with me. Pansy and the others stay put.”

  Even though Medium Dave had managed to sneak in through the front door to change out of the granny dress earlier, The Alpha insisted on renaming him Pansy. The Alpha liked to smile whenever he belittled other people.

  Candy felt like standing up and yelling. She felt like asking why he wasn’t putting more focus on how to get Jimmy out alive like the others. She didn’t understand why anyone else couldn’t see through his bullshit, why they didn’t challenge his terrible decisions.

  Felicia came downstairs for the first time wearing blue pajamas patterned with yellow ducks. She walked tenderly into the kitchen, her eyes half closed and her hair hanging in a tangled mess. She gazed into the incandescent glow of the refrigerator for a long time.

  “There’s pizza in here,” Candy said.

  Felicia shut the door and shuffled to the chair next to Candy. She plopped her head onto her hand then stared blankly into the living room while The Alpha berated Were-Jew about how kids are pussies these days.

  “Candy,” Felicia said. “He was amazing.”

  “I’d rather not hear about it.”

  “I passed out after like ten minutes,” Felicia said anyway. “It was like I was in a dream or something and he was an angel among mere mortals. I don’t know how else to explain it. I’ve never felt like that before.”

  “That’s explanation enough.”

  Felicia let out a prolonged sigh. “I wish I could go with him and leave all of this bullshit behind. I wish I was a full-blood so I could go.”

  “A full-blood?”

  Felicia looked at Candy as if she had snapped out of a trance. “Nothing,” she said. “So what’s the deal? Has he made a decision?”

  “Your angel thinks we should bust into the Kingsley’s and kill them all.”

  “Isn’t he wonderful?”

  “Wonderful?” Candy said, throwing her hands up in exasperation. She glanced in the living room to make sure no one was paying attention and then she kept her voice low. “You realize they have Jimmy, right? They could kill him if we barge in there.”

  “The Alpha knows best.” Felicia spoke as if she was having a one-way conversation. “He’s amazing, Candy. We haven’t been able to do anything about the vampires for years. Tinch and his washed out geezer pack haven’t been able to make any ground at all and now The Alpha is here to set everything straight. He’s like a hero, you know? Like he’ll be a legend long after we’re all forgotten.”

  “Sure,” Candy said, returning her scornful eyes to the asshole Felicia praised so much. The way Felicia talked threw her off. Candy had come to know Felicia as headstrong, full of opinions, and dependant on no one. Now she was like a stupid girl fawning over some guy she couldn’t live without.

  Medium Dave came running down the stairs, almost tripping on his way into the living room. Everyone stared at him, wondering why he was so excited, but most of all hoping he had good news.

  “What’s the rush, Pansy? Is there a sale at the Yarn Barn?” The Alpha said, chuckling.

  Medium Dave’s cheeks reddened. “The Brits are holding Jimmy at their mansion in Boston,” he said.

  “Arrogant bastards,” The Alpha said, and he actually spat beside his chair. He then glanced at a clock on the wall; it was nearly four in the afternoon. “It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours to get there. Where’s this place at?”

  Medium Dave handed him a piece of paper with the directions. The Alpha glanced at it, then folded it in half and headed to the door with Were-Jew and White Paul hurrying behind him. Tinch stopped in the

  “Hold on a second,” he said. “The rest of my pack isn’t far from there and we won’t get to Boston before dusk anyway. We should meet up with them. With four more wolves at our side the Brits won’t have a chance.”

  The Alpha nodded thoughtfully. “Let’s do it quickly.”

  Candy couldn’t take it anymore. That asshole clearly didn’t care about Jimmy.

  “Isn’t this dangerous?” she said. “They might do something to Jimmy—”

  “There’s danger in any mission,” The Alpha said dismissively. “We’ll crush that vampire nest and get him out.”


  “Do you see anyone else arguing?” The Alpha’s eyes burned into her. “They don’t because I’m the God damned alpha! Now shut your mouth before I lose my temper.”

  With Tinch and the fighting Misfits on his heels, The Alpha hurried out of the house. Candy followed behind to the front porch and watched as they got into a camouflage Hummer with huge, monster truck wheels and floodlights on the roof. The obnoxious vehicle probably traumatized half the neighborhood when it started up. It peeled out and disappeared around the corner of the cul-de-sac.

  “I hope he knows what he’s doing,” Candy said.

  “He does,” Felicia said from behind her in the doorway. “It’s time vampires took responsibility for their actions. Rupert and his family broke the treaty. They’ve repeatedly glamoured and bound mortals in our territory.”

  Candy didn’t bother pointing out how Felicia had said almost the exact opposite when they were talking at Medium Dave’s house the other night. She didn’t bother wondering why Felicia held The Alpha in such high regards. More than anything else, she couldn’t stop thinking that something bad was bound to happen to Jimmy. She didn’t bother holding back her tears. Melvin put his arm on her shoulder and patted her gently.

  “I’m scared for him,” Candy said.

  “Everything will work out. The Alpha is strong and Tinch’s pack will be with them,” Melvin said.

  With no choice other than to accept the events unfolding around her, Candy went back into the Kennel with the remaining Misfits. An agonizing hour passed while she worried. Felicia droned on about The Alpha, about how great he was and that everything would turn out fine while Medium Dave and Melvin listened with disinterest. Candy wished she could share her optimism. Instead, she felt like she had no control over anything. The only thing she could do was hope.

  “I wish we could be with them,” Melvin said.

  Medium Dave nodded his agreement. Candy wondered what he meant and why they weren’t with The Alpha. Felicia cast her eyes downward.

  “Our job is to stay here,” she said. “He knows what he’s doing. He’ll get Jimmy out of there.”

  Candy was about to comment when her phone rang. Blake’s number flashed on the display. She was so pissed off at him that she thought about ignoring it, but she needed to know if he knew anything. She headed to the sliding glass door as she answered. He didn’t give her a chance to say hello.

  “Are you okay? Where are you?” he said.

  Candy waited until she was outside and a little ways away from the door before she spoke. “I’m fine, no thanks to you. What the fuck, Blake?”

  “I’m sorry. Where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

  “Never mind where I am. Thanks to you they have Jimmy.”

  “How is that my . . . ?” he started, and then paused. “I’m sorry. Just tell me where you are.”

  “You’re sorry? What are you going to do about Jimmy?”

  “There’s nothing we can do. The Magister is more pissed off about what he did than the Brits.”

  “Why are you acting like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like you don’t know they want to trade me for Jimmy. Like you don’t care about the people I care about.”

  “I do care. I’m not letting them take you, Candy.”

  “I guess that’s a little difficult considering I belong to Rupert,” she said. “What’s your great and powerful mother plan to do?”

  “She can’t do anything. She did what she could, Candy. So did my brothers and sister. Don’t blame them. Blame me.”

  “So I’m on my own?”

  “No, never. Tell me where you are. Come with me and I’ll protect you.”

  “What about Jimmy?”

  “Candy, you have to understand how serious this is. Jimmy killed a vampire on neutral ground. It’s not only the Brits who are pissed off. The Magister and a bunch of other vampires will be there to see his punishment through. The only way out is if we give you up and I’m not going to let that happen.”

  “What are we supposed to do?”

  “Tell me where you are so I can come get you. Forget about the shapeshifters before it’s too late.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  “God damn it!” Blake said. “Where are you?”

  Blood lust.

  “I should give myself up,” she said. “I can’t take this anymore. This isn’t fair to Jimmy.”

  “Wait! Don’t do that, Candy. Jesus, don’t you understand? They’ll kill him regardless. If you go to them, they’ll kill him anyway.”

  “Thanks for nothing,” she said.

  Static crackled in the phone as if it had been dropped and then Blake’s frantic voice came back. “I’ll do anything for you, Candy. I’m the one who failed you. I’m the one who stained my family’s name. I’ll kill Rupert if I have to. Just tell me where you are. I’ll kill him.”

  His words and his promises were nothing. The shapeshifters were already on their way to do that. Candy knew he only wanted one thing. He didn’t care about anything else. There was only his lust for her blood.

  “I need you. I have to have you,” he said. “You’re in my dreams. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’m going to kill Rupert. I’ll do it for you. Where are you?”

  Candy didn’t want to talk about those dreams, didn’t want to think about them no matter how much she enjoyed them. She wanted to hate Blake but she couldn’t. Every time her heart beat she was reminded of the bond they shared, of her undeniable love for him.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “I love you too. I can’t begin to explain how much.”

  “Begin by getting Jimmy back.”

  “Candy, I’d get him back if I could. All of the vampires will be there; the Kingsleys, the Magister, the vampires at the basketball game. There’s nothing my family can do about it.”

  Candy didn’t say anything. All of the vampires would be there? Why? She thought back to the vampires at the basketball game.

  “What are you thinking?” he said during her silence. “Stay out of this. Don’t go to them.”

  Candy shook the wandering thoughts out of her head. “It’s too late. Rupert and his family started this and the lycans are going to finish it.”

  “What? They’ll get slaughtered, Candy. Did you hear what I just said? There’s going to be dozens of vampires there.”

  The implications finally registered. Candy hung up the phone and ran into the house. “We have to stop The Alpha!”

  “What are you talking about?” Melvin said.

  “Blake just told me there’s going to be a bunch of vampires there.”

  Melvin stared at her. “How many?”

  “I don’t know, a lot! All of the vampires that were at the basketball game.”

  “Shit,” Melvin said. “Shit! I don’t think even The Alpha can take on that many.”

  Felicia chewed her lip. Melvin took out his phone and tried to call them. After trying three times he threw it down on the table.

  “No answer.” He paced alongside the table. “They’re an hour ahead of us, but they had to meet up with Tinch’s pack first. If we leave now, we may get there in time. Do you still have the directions, Dave?”

  Medium Dave nodded. Melvin glanced around at everyone.

  “We don’t have any other choice,” he said. “The Alpha
didn’t know there would be this many vampires.”

  “Let’s stop talking about it and go,” Candy said.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Melvin slung a duffel bag full of supplies into the back of the SUV with the rest of the Misfit’s gear. He and Felicia had hastily changed clothes, putting on pairs of camo trunks and heavy vests over long sleeve black shirts. Felicia had another pair of the camouflage pants she let Candy borrow, which were horribly tight. Candy called Blake while they checked to make sure they had everything.

  “We’re going to the Kingsley’s,” she told him.

  “That’s not—”

  “I don’t care, Blake. Are you going to help us or not?”


  “Can you be at Boston in a couple of hours?”

  “I’m on my way now,” he said. “I’m not far from Springfield. I can turn around.”

  “What are you doing in Springfield?”

  He didn’t say anything for a moment. “The bond with you is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It’s like I know where you are, like I can see you. Like I can feel you.”

  That explained how Rupert had been able to constantly track her down. Candy shared some kind of a bond with them when they drank her blood. She didn’t want to reveal any of this to the others, mainly because she was embarrassed.

  “I’ll have Dave call and tell you where to meet us,” she said.


  She hung up.

  Candy explained the situation to Melvin. She was sure he wouldn’t want anything to do with Blake, but he nodded his agreement to whatever help they could get. Felicia didn’t appear to like the idea at all, but she didn’t say anything. Melvin sped the SUV out of the cul-de-sac and onto one of the highways.

  “How long until we get there?” Candy asked.

  “If traffic stays like this maybe an hour and a half,” Melvin said. “Keep your eyes out for patrol cars. I think I can beat Tinch and The Alpha there.”

  The needle on the speedometer fluctuated around eighty, spiking up to ninety when the road was clear. The sky was already dark purple with fading streaks of red on the horizon. There hadn’t ever been any hope of getting there before nightfall. The Alpha’s plan right from the start was to bust heads and take names later. If only the egomaniacal lunatic had listened to her. Even if he had, what difference would that have made for Jimmy? They were all low on options and she couldn’t get caught up in a game of finger pointing. She asked Dave to set up a place to meet Blake near Boston, then she closed her eyes for a moment.